Used Electronic Distribution

Delivering Quality Pre-Owned Electronics at Scale

We provide businesses with high-quality, certified pre-owned electronics, ensuring affordability and sustainability.

How It Works

  • 01

    Sourcing & Quality Control

    Quality Control

    Carefully vetted, graded, and tested electronics.
  • Wholesale Distribution


    Bulk sales to retailers, refurbishers, and enterprises.


  • End-User Delivery


    Products delivered to markets globally.


Need reliable pre-owned electronics?

Why Choose Basatne

E-Waste Reduction

Extending product lifecycles and minimizing environmental impact.

Global Network

Supplying businesses across six continents.

New Name

15+ years of experience means we anticipate challenges and deliver faster, more efficient, and cost-effective solutions across diverse industries.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Offering high-quality devices at competitive rates.