Reverse Logistics

Optimizing Returns & Maximizing Product Value

We help businesses efficiently manage returns, buybacks, and inventory consolidation, reducing waste and recovering value.

How It Works

  • 01


    & Sorting

    Devices processed through our logistics network.
  • Grading

    & Testing

    Assessing products for resale, refurbishment, or recycling.


  • Redistribution or

    Responsible Disposal

    Maximizing value while reducing waste.


Need a better way to manage returns and buybacks?

Why Choose Basatne

Global Scalability

Handling millions of returns with advanced logistics.

Efficiency & Automation

AI-powered sorting and processing.

New Name

15+ years of experience means we anticipate challenges and deliver faster, more efficient, and cost-effective solutions across diverse industries.


Reducing landfill waste and carbon footprint.